Sunday, March 25, 2012


Hey boys and girls!

The last month has been really really crazy for Sleepless: Issue #1 came in from the printers and almost immediately we had a string of 5 release parties and 350 copies out at SXSW 2012 in Austin, Texas.

We are also gearing up the Issue #1 mixtape, which will be sent out along with our subscriptions and distro to many fine spots between Chicago and Charlotte.

To everyone who is waiting on some mail from us: we seriously appreciate your patience as we get our shit together.  This is nobody's full time job (yet), and some people involved with the zine also go to school and work, so there's a lot of irons in the fire; another reason why this zine will remain quarterly for the foreseeable future.

Anyway-we really appreciate everyone's support as we get things moving.  If you'd like to get an annual subscription to the zine please send us an email to with "subscription" in the subject line. Subscribers receive four issues + four mixtapes every year, plus get to participate in reader's polls, get free goodies from us, ticket giveaways for festivals, and find out first about whatever other wild wacky ideas we come up's worth your while, we promise.

Thanks again for your support-Issue #1 fucking rocks.

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