Monday, December 26, 2011

Sleepless #0 Promo Video Up!

The sleepless #0 launch video is up on youtube, but you can check it out here too!
Below is a full list of credits (in order)-thanks to everyone who contributed to this video!

picture 1: 1point3 (

picture 2: show poster, Mouth of the Architect w/Mockingbird, Bridesmaid, Red Sun, created by Joel   Chastain (

picture 3: Locusta (

picture 4: Griefhound (

picture 5: poster, Bringers of Disease, Before the Eyewall, By Way of Sunstorm, Bridesmaid

picture 6: poster, Storm King, Vulture, Mockingbird, Temple of Set

picture 7: Salvador cover art, Lo-pan (

picture 8: Serpents cover art, Struck By Lightning (

picture 9: Masakari (

picture 10: Keelhaul (;

picture 11: Lucha Eterna, photo credit: Skuzz (

picture 12: Valley of the Sun (

picture 13: Russian Business Network (

picture 14: Red Sun (

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sleepless Issue #0 Out Now!

FINALLY! After long battles dealing with bullshit of every kind, Sleepless #0 is finally out. The whole point of this zine is to serve as another resource, in print AND online, for people interested in heavy underground music from the Rust Belt. 

Sleepless is made by people who play in bands and who have been involved in the creative arts all their lives. This is a place to document, share, and collaborate: send articles, show and record reviews, photos, and comics to us and we'll try and get it into the print zine and also onto the online version of it (coming soon!).

Sleepless is also a quasi-label.  For now we will be putting out tape compilations of Rust Belt heavy bands with every issue, starting with Issue #1. You can order them from here or one of our distro partners (coming soon!).  They'll also soon be available for download (ditto!).

Sleepless does take subscriptions, which are $20 per year or $6 per issue. You'll get a hard copy of the zine plus a free tape comp. in the mail.

This online space will be more operational in the coming weeks, but right now it's just a placeholder to get the word out.  If you have any questions or suggestions, please email

Here's a list of initial regional distribution points for the printed zine, by city:

(west side)
-My Minds Eye Records: 13727 Madison Avenue, Lakewood, OH 44107
-Now That's Class: 11213 Detroit Rd, Cleveland, OH 44102
-Tower 2012: 9521 Madison Ave, Cleveland, OH 44102

(east side)
-71st Door: 1946 E. 71st St. Cleveland, OH 44103
-Record Revolution: 1828 Coventry Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118

-Dreadful Sounds Records: 3339 1/2 N. High St. Columbus, OH 43202
-Sporeprint Infoshop: 172 E. 5th Ave. Columbus, OH 43201

-The Morgue: 113.5 N. Congress St. Athens, OH 45701

-Little Hamilton Collective: 1318 Little Hamilton Ave. Nashville, TN 37203

We are always looking to expand our regional distribution network-if you are in a band, part of a DIY network, own an independent record store, label, or other venue and are interested in becoming a distribution point, please email We ship worldwide.

If you are part of a band or label, if you make musical equipment or other cool stuff, or if you have something you want to advertise, prices and sizes are below. Send us an email for more information.

Ad Sizes (LxW)                               Rates (excludes sales tax)
Business Card (4"x2"):                     $25
1/4 Page Vertical Strip(8"x2"):         $45  
1/2 Page Block(4"x5"):                    $70
Whole Page (8"x5"):                        $120

half-size (8.5"x5.5") zine, B&W, all images 300dpi or greater
Printed quarterly (Dec., Mar., June, Sept.)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

ISSUE #0 is printed and shipped!

Well it took long enough but thanks to Markley at Econopress and a few local businesses willing to help this project along, Sleepless #0 is a reality.  Sometimes the hardest thing in life is just getting started, but everyone who helped with this landmark issue deserves a lot of credit.

A full list of distro locations and supporters will be out soon...until then, stay tuned.